Dec 13, 2023

Headlights are a vital component when it comes to safety, so recognizing the signs of headlight deterioration will help you maintain the safety and aesthetic appeal of your vehicle. Keep an eye out for these indicators that you might need new headlights from your Cadillac dealer.

6 Signs You Need New Headlights from Your Cadillac Dealer

You’ve Got Dimming or Flickering Lights

One of the first signs that your Cadillac’s headlights need attention is when they start to dim or flicker. Dimming headlights can significantly reduce your visibility on the road, which is a safety hazard to you and other drivers. Flickering lights are often an indication of a power supply issue, which could be linked to the headlights themselves or the battery or alternator. Come see us to get this taken care of, whatever the underlying issue is.

You Notice Cracked or Damaged Headlight Lenses

Physical damage to the headlight lenses, such as cracks or cloudiness, can make your headlights less effective, even if the bulbs are in good shape. Cracks can also allow moisture to enter, which has the potential to damage the bulb or internal components, and the longer you wait to get this fixed, the greater the chance that the fix will require more than just lens replacement.

There’s Uneven or Inconsistent Lighting

If you notice that one headlight is brighter than the other, or if the light beam is uneven or inconsistent, it’s a sign that your headlights may need replacing. Uneven lighting can impair your ability to see the road clearly, can blind other drivers, and may be due to bulb damage or simply a need for a new bulb.

You’ve Got Annoying Electrical Issues

General electrical issues in your Cadillac, such as problems with the dashboard lights or other lighting components, can sometimes indicate headlight problems. If you’ve got a failing headlight system that needs attention, it could be drawing inconsistently from your battery or alternator, and messing with other electrical components.

You Have to Do Frequent Bulb Replacements

If you find yourself frequently replacing headlight bulbs, this could be a symptom of a larger issue. Frequent bulb burnouts can indicate a problem with the headlight assembly or an electrical issue that needs to be addressed.

There Have Been Changes in the Headlight Color

Noticing a change in the color of your headlights? Do they look yellower or duller? This can indicate aging bulbs or lenses that need replacement. This change can reduce your night vision, make it harder for other drivers to see you, and even affect the aesthetic appeal of your vehicle.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, our expert service team is here to assist. Bring your Cadillac to the service center here at Airport Cadillac for a comprehensive headlight inspection and replacement service, so you can continue to experience the luxury and safety you deserve.